Why We Don't Count Calories

Why We Don't Count Calories

Why We Don't Count Calories

At Dr John’s Nutrition Health, we do not count Calories.

The Calorie was developed as a research tool to measure the amount of energy in various dietary products like eggs, wheat flower, or raisins. A Calorie is the energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water (1 milliliter) by 1 degree Celsius ©. The nutritional disciplines grasped the calorie as a way to track the appropriateness of a person’s dietary intake. After all, it seemed, that if you put more or less calories into the body, your weight would simply go up, down, or stay the same. The calorie concept was then extended to calculate the amount of various foods, by calorie, that would optimize your daily intake.

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The presentation of a complete whole food plant based program to access, program, and be able to follow in regards to your nutritional needs.

The Calorie idea was flawed at its inception. This model of nutrition presumes that calories are equivalent. A calorie of white flower is the same as a calorie in Whole Wheat Grain. This is simply a misunderstanding of the complex nature of nutrition. A gram of Whole Wheat Grain with its Bran and Germ (the dark covering on the Whole Grain) delivers much more than 4 calorie equivalents! This reductionist model ignores modern observations on the complex interaction of Whole Food in the prevention and potential treatment of chronic diseases. When they remove the dark Bran and Germ outer surface of Wheat or Rice in the refining process, they remove most of the vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytochemistry (*see below). These micronutrients are the life sustaining nutrients on which we thrive and heal. A calorie is not just another calorie.

Calorie Counting, to which serial dieters will attest, is cumbersome, exhausting, and demoralizing. People burn out trying to do it. They find it pointless, and they give up.

Dr Neal Barnard of the Barnard Medical Center in Washington, D.C., has performed work demonstrating that a low-fat Plant-Based diet may be more beneficial in controlling blood sugar and cholesterol than the calorie conscious ADA diet often used in diabetic counseling (** see below).

We cannot simplistically reduce dietary intake to a specific number of calories, nor can we eat a specific food, or take a vitamin, or supplement to achieve the desired effect. 

At Dr John’s Nutrition Health, we do not count calories. We simplify the process. Dr John advocates a wholistic plant-based nutritional program of Greens, Fruits, Grains, Nuts, and Seeds that give your body the opportunity to achieve a new healthy you. We help you understand what is best to eat. You and your body decide how much you need.

* Dr John’s notes on Fiber, and on Phytochemistry are available to you when you sign- in at the Client Login. Sign Up today!

**Barnard, N., Cohen, J. & Ferdowsian, H. A low-fat vegan diet and a conventional diabetes diet in the treatment of type 2 diabetes: a randomized, controlled, 74-wk clinical trial. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 89, 1588S-1596S (2009)

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